Isso是一个使用Python和JavaScript编写的轻量级的开源评论系统,它旨在成为Disqus的替代产品。 其特点: 使用 Markdown 评论 SQLite 后端 Disqus & WordPress 导入 可配置的 JS 客户端,支持 Firefox, Safari, Chrome 和 IE10。 我之前写了Isso的文章,包括部署过程记录、使用经验总结,以及我fork的isso-cn版本,此版本主要增加了微信审核的功能,鉴于一些情况,现将微信审核部分代码单独拎出来,这样“按图索骥”,可以实现原isso微信审核功能。 以下细节可以参考我的这个commit实现。 下载isso,可以用git克隆master最新代码,或者直接下载某个发行版,当然建议直接用pip安装。 注意:从源码安装还是挺复杂,需要构建静态资源。 不过本文这不是重点,可以查阅中文文档或Google... 改为 在 后面添加 添加 原本 以下内容也许非最新,建议查看这个文件 在末尾添加 这是微信审核所需要的配置信息,根据模式不同,选填sckey或takey,参考Wechat文档前言
NO.1 修改isso/__init__.py文件
1. 大概 75L
from isso.ext.notifications import Stdout, SMTP
from isso.ext.notifications import Stdout, SMTP, Wechat
2. 大概 114L
elif backend in ("smtp", "SMTP"):
smtp_backend = Trueelif backend in ("wechat", "WECHAT"):
subscribers.append(Wechat(self))NO.2 修改isso/ext/notifications.py文件
1. 大概 32L
from isso.utils.http import curl
2. 大概 34L
if PY2K
更改如下:if PY2K:
from thread import start_new_thread
from urllib import urlencode
from _thread import start_new_thread
from urllib.parse import urlencode3. 在末尾增加Wechat审核类
class Wechat(object):
def __init__(self, isso):
self.isso = isso
self.conf = isso.conf.section("wechat")
self.public_endpoint = isso.conf.get("server", "public-endpoint") or local("host")
self.admin_notify = any((n in ("wechat", "WECHAT")) for n in isso.conf.getlist("general", "notify"))
self.moderated = isso.conf.getboolean("moderation", "enabled")
def __iter__(self):
yield "", self.notify_new
def format(self, thread, comment):
md = []
author = comment["author"] or "Anonymous"
if comment["email"]:
author += " <%s>" % comment["email"]
md.append(author + " wrote:\n")
md.append(comment["text"] + "\n")
if comment["website"]:
md.append("User's URL: %s\n" % comment["website"])
md.append("IP address: %s\n" % comment["remote_addr"])
view_uri = local("origin") + thread["uri"] + "#isso-%i" % comment["id"]
if not self.moderated:
md.append("Link to comment: %s\n" % view_uri)
uri = self.public_endpoint + "/id/%i" % comment["id"]
key = self.isso.sign(comment["id"])
delete_uri = uri + "/delete/" + key
activate_uri = uri + "/activate/" + key
if not self.moderated:
md.append("Delete comment: %s\n" % delete_uri)
if comment["mode"] == 2:
md.append("Activate comment: %s\n" % activate_uri)
rv = "\n".join(md)
if self.moderated:
return dict(rv=rv, v=view_uri, d=delete_uri, a=activate_uri)
return rv
def notify_new(self, thread, comment):
if self.admin_notify:
body = self.format(thread, comment)
self.sendmsg(thread["title"], body)
def sendmsg(self, title, body):
if self.moderated:
TA_view = body["v"]
TA_delete = body["d"]
TA_activate = body["a"]
body = body["rv"]
if PY2K:
if title:
title = title.encode("utf-8")
body = body.encode("utf-8")
if self.moderated:
# Need to review comments, use the TalkAdmin interface.
host = ""
path = "/webhook/%s?%s" % (self.conf.get("takey"), urlencode(dict(
host = ""
path = "/%s.send?%s" % (self.conf.get("sckey"), urlencode(dict(
text=title, desp=body
with curl("POST", host, path, 5) as resp:
if resp:
result = json.loads(
except (TypeError, ValueError):
logger.error("Illegal response structure, request error.")
if result.get("errno") != 0:
logger.warn(result)NO.3 修改share/isso.conf文件
# Isso can notify you on new comments via wechat. In the wechat notification,
# you also can moderate (=activate or delete) comments.
# ServerChan api credentials (similar to token).
# Enabled when moderation is not enabled.
sckey =
# TalkAdmin WebHook Key.
# Enabled when moderation is enabled.
takey =END
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